Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hong Kong Sheng Kee Dessert

Started my meal at Hong kong Sheng Kee,
With Spicy Crispy Salmon Fish Skin..
Very crunchy and crispy..
Love it!

Beancurb Skin Roll...
It's yummy!

Yolky Custard Pau is always my top favourite..
I like the feeling of yolky custard,
Flowing out from the pau...
Simply a taste from the heaven!

If wanna have dim sum
Siew Mai is definitely a must!

Love their main course:
HK Wanton Noodle soup..
Their wanton is extraordinarily tasty...
Simply out of the world...

Braised Pork Belly wiht Mui Choy Rice...
The pork belly is braised perfectly..
The aroma of the pork stands out...
And match perfectly with mui choy!~

Having a cup of hot honey chrysanthemum,
Not too sweet, just nice..

Black sesame paste is warm and nice...
Aroma of sesame is just yummilicious!

SK Mango Pomelo Sago...
Is the best combination dessert...
Cold and refreshing,
A great way to finish up a meal,
With a perfect dessert like this..

For more information,
Hop Over to Hong Kong Sheng Kee Dessert's Facabook or Instagram


Julia Mahir said...

Fried salmon skin is my fave too. But I eat at Sushi king la. Hehe. So crunchy!

BarryBoi said...

Looks like a delish feast. My favourite mango sago. Gotta try it one day.

mek yunie said...

rasanya pernah tengok wendy review hongkong dessert ni. nampak sedap je semuanya cuma bagi kami yang muslim kena hati hati sikit lah.

ajumohit said...

lepas makan dapat pula hidangan dessert. memang lengkap menu makan satu hari kan ;).

Dakwat Pena said...

Menarik nampaknya dessert tu....mungkin boleh dicuba kalo dtg ke sini...

budakbandunglaici said...

sedapnya menu.. terliur BBL scroll gambar dari atas sampai bawah sekali. dim sum tu dah lama tak makan.. eh manga sago pun sedap. biasa balik kampung baru dapat makan

Fadima Mooneira said...

Yum!!!!!!!! Yum!!!!!!!! Love the dumpling. Good review and good photography. Thank you for sharing. XoXo.

Mahamahu said...

Hong Kong food has never tried it but look at all its delicious to go there just want to travel there we have no chance to go to Malaysia...

Wan Syahida said...

Dessert memang pelengkap kepada heavy meals. Saya pun suka cari dessert. Cuma kena berpada pada sebab nanti terlebih sudahhh. Hehehe

Decamellia said...

Wowwww. Mango Pomelo Sago. Perfect dessert. And the wanton noodle soup. Ermmmm terliur sungguh. Tapi boleh tahu? Hong kong Sheng Kee ada certificate halal tak?

Hanny Abdullh said...

Salmon skin tu nampak sedap..perghh meleleh air liur tgok. Masa ke hong kong dulu memang makan jugak makanan diaorg..tak susah nk cari makanan halal kat sana

Bro Framestone said...

I xpernah tryt makan Salmon Fish Skin.... Ini dekat hong Kong or Malaysia?

Aerill Hassan said...

Sedapnya. Saya tak pernah lagi makan makanan mcm ni. Nanti bolehlab saya cuba. Thanks for the review.

Eiza GreenAppleKu said...

Bila baca wanton mee, terus teringat wanton mee dekat Astaka Gelugor Penang. Memang tempat tumpuan ramai kalau nak cari tempat breakfast di Penang.

Wawa Ashihara said...

Wow looks so yummy laaa... I teringin nak merasa yg yolk egg pau tau. Apa rasanya ye... Masin2 telur masin ke camne? Kat sini semuanya halal x?

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