Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Enchanteur Paris Parfum Shower Gel

My Pampering Escape..
With Enchanteur Paris  Parfum Shower Gel:
Bella Amour Bright & Smooth,
Mon Amie Fresh & Cool,
Adore Sooth and care...

Bella Amous,
Lovely blend of Ylang-ylang and lily fragrance..
Enriched with Rose oil and Vitamin B3,
And it leaves skin smoother,
Brighter and irresistable to the touch..

Most of all..
It smells truly nice...
I love it very much!

A little touch up of perfume,
After a long day....

Nothing is better than having..
Quality shower time,
That provieds physical and mental comfort,
For the daily escape...

Fragrances are designed uniquely,
To spark moments of romance,
At every stage in a woman's wondrous journey of love..


  1. Woww Enchanteur now has shower gel. I remember when I was smaller they are famous for talcum and perfume.

  2. hehe.. we have the same color and shower gel, I like the smell and using it. Almost finish using soon too!

  3. Mandi pun dan wangi macam minyak wangi lepas ni hehehehe kita suka sebab banyak jenis wangian dan juga meman banyak buih heheheh nak mandi pun jadi lebih selesa dan tenang. Lagi best masuk sabun ni dalam bath tab pastu berendam memang lega hilang stress hehehe...

  4. I used to buy this perfume brand before. Still, smell good for daily use. Will try to check it out at nearest store :)

  5. Oh Enchanteur got shower gel confirm like the lotion, powder and perfume! So tahan lama and smell so strong kan. And it's pretty! Feels sayang to use it hehe.

  6. Bila sebut Enchanteur, terbayang dah bau perfume yang harum baunya. Sekarang ni ada produk baru, shower gel pula. Rasa tenang je waktu mandi dengan bau wangi tu kan

  7. I really love enchanteur smell. During my school day enchanteur was my fav perfume as it is easy to get from pharmacy and supermarket and the price is cheap too.

  8. Bestnya shower gel dan minyak wangi Enchanteur ni. Eiza pun guna Enchanteur tapi edisi Paris. Yang botol kuning tu. Suka sangat bau dia. Nanti nak cuba koleksi yang ni pula.

  9. Enchanteur is getting more chic and relevant. I love how it evolves with time and become more chic and beautiful. I love its packaging. This certainly brings back memory.

  10. Bravo pour cet article.

  11. Enchanteur Paris Parfum Shower Gel looks nice to use. I think all woman would love the packaging and scent of it right hehe

  12. Never try this one yet but i love the yellow one. So nice and the fragrance make me feel like im in high class spa. Not only me but whole family love the smell. Good job

  13. Is this their new product? I haven't see it at watson or guardian.

  14. Lama dah tak gunakan perfum dari Enchanteur ni. Dulu ada jugak pakai, memang bau dia wangi dan terasa romantik je bila pakai perfum ni

  15. I mmg suka dengan produk bi sbb bau dia wangi dan best giler. And saiz botol dua kompak so senang nak bawa ke mana-mana

  16. Enchanteur ni perfume / brand kegemaran my friend, memang harum cuma...saya masih lebih memilih produk Body Shop hehee

  17. Mouse mommy has try out too! My mom loves it so much with the scent of perfume!
