Friday, September 14, 2018

Cheras Leisure Mall Moonlit Blossoms of Mid-Autumn

Celebrating the tradition and arts of..
Mid-Autumn Festival...
With Cheras Leisure Mall...

 Moonlit Blossoms of Mid-Autumn,
Opening Performance...

The official launching..
By Subramaniam Apparow,
Senior Manager, Property Division, PPB Group Berhad

Philip Wong,
Board Member of National Visual Arts Development Board

Chin Wan Kee,
Professional Sculptor Artist & Sculptor,
Senior Lecturer of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Chua Kim Long,
Chinese Lantern Art & Paper-cutting Master

Wan Kok Long.
Skillful Art Instructors

Tan Hock Tong,
Skillful Art Instructors..

 Presentation of token of appreciation...

Creative Lantern Making Contest 2018,
Judging Session..

All the huge lantern,
Are super duper creative and outstanding...

Results will be announced in mid-September,
And the prize-giving ceremony will be held,
On 29 September 2018 at 11am..

For more information,
Kindly call 03-9132 2386
Or visit Cheras LeisureMall Facebook Page,
Or send email to


Zharif Azis said...

The festive looks fantstic with all the lanterns. They are all beautiful and colorful. I feel like going there in the weekend this week. Hopefuly the lanterns will be still there

Fadzi Razak said...

Looks like it is an interesting festival not to be missed. I like seeing the lantern with lots of design and shape.

Dunia Farisya said...

i tak pernah sampai leisure mall even dah dekat dengan rumah hahaha.sebab nampak suram je dari luar.tapi suami selalu duk ngajak pergi sana.

Faries said...

Look so great the Moolit Blossoms Of Mid Autumn Festival. I love to see the huge lanters. I will go with family there this weekend.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so fun and nice lanterns show. So good you share this as seldom to the mall now.
Think few years no visit to this mall.

Mawardi Yunus said...

bila baca article ni tetiba teringat kat kuih bulan. tahun ni tak berpeluang lagi nak makan kuih bulan. nanti nak pergi cari lah

JMR said...

Wah cantik-cantik lanterns kat sini. Macam-macam pattern & design..anak-anak mesti tertarik ni

Dikbee said...

wahhh.. a lots of colorful lantern there. For me the "teko" design looks interesting and beautiful.

Ibu Syurga said...

I like the way they decorated the mall according to autumn season. Time flies so fast, its already september. Soon another year pass by

Mimie said...

Waaaaahhh.. Sangat meriahhh.. Suka tengok decorations yang ada. Quite interesting. But i never been there before. Sedih sungguh

Mama Hakim said...

Syok jalan jalan dalam mall yang di hias indah dengan tema musim luruh ni. Macam di luar negara

Hanny Abdullh said...

Wahh cantik sunggh Lanterns yang di buat, sungguh kreatif ya diaorang ni. Sure sesiapa yang tengok terpikat dengan hasil seni mereka. Harap2 ada peluang untuk sis tengok festival ni said...

Bestnyeer kalau dapat tengok hasil karya diorang ni. Tengok kat sini pun rasa kagum, klu tengok dengan mata kepala sendiri lagi la kagum.

Mazni Azmi said...

Rasa macam nak singgah je ke festivel ni. Macam seronok dan menarik untuk anak anak supaya mereka belajar perkara baru

Nadia Johari said...

wah ade fiesta erk..cantikla teko nk bergambar boleh ni..kihkih..colourful

Jalan- Jalan Hotel said...

Wow this mall is so legend plus with all the mooncake it brings the memories back

Emi said...

Woww looks so nice. I love how beautiful the lanterns. There is so many difderent design.

Unknown said...

Yaaaa i can see its a mooncake festival now! I love this festive as i love to eat mooncakes. Favourite one is red bean! Good write up ☺️

Lia Hasty said...

When I heard about mid autumn festival always imagine the mooncake. hehhe Cause I love mooncake so much. Love to see other culture celebrating their festive.

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