Thursday, May 28, 2015

US Potato Culinary Festival KL 2015

US Potato Culinary Festival,
Organized by US Potato Board...

Will run from 1-30 June 2015,
Each of which will feature,
A mouthwatering assortment of unique and fusion dishes,
That elevate the versatility,
Nutritional benefits and superior taste of quality US potatoes.

Giving the nutritious value,
And telling us all benefits..
Of consuming a potato!~

Certificate presentation...
To one of the participating restaurants..

The restaurant participating this year,
Include popular hotels and restaurants,
Such as:

  1. Best Western Hotel, Petaling Jaya
  2. Big Hug Burger
  3. Burger Factory
  4. Jibby & Co.
  5. La Bo Ca Latino
  6. La Risata
  7. Maria's Steakcafe
  8. Naughy Nuri's
  9. Rendezvous Steak Garden Restaurant
  10. Secret of Lousinana
  11. Shereton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
  12. The Daily Grind
  13. The Roulette Bar

We dine and fill our tummy,
With lots and lots of US Potato...

It's such a privilege,
To dine in such a beautiful place,
Overlooking KL Tower...
Amazing view...
From Villa Danieli, 
Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur...

I'm very amazed,
With the variety of food,
Created by the creative talented chefs....

Stay tune for Little Kitchen's post...
For more details about all the dishes!~


Mommy Bloggers Philippines said...

Culinary festivals are amazing, being able to taste those delicious food in one event.

michelle huertas said...

My kids love potato, they go gaga over anything that has potato. good to know it has good nutritional value too.

Gillian Ong said...

This might surpise you.. but I'm a huge fan of potatoes! wish i could've attended this. :(

Anonymous said...

love potatoes a lot! wish you have photos of those food as well :)

Heena Dhedhi said...

Potatoes is the only vegetable my daughter really know.. I would have loved to attend this and get more insights into its value.
- Heena,

Heena Dhedhi said...

My daughter knows only one vegetable and that is potatoes. I wish i could attend and get more insights into cooking to have the most impact for its nutritious value.
- Heena,

Unknown said...

That's a lovely Culinary Festival you attended! And Potato is like a staple for me

New Post - Style..A Pastiche!

Unknown said...

This looks and sounds like an interesting event! Can;t go wrong with potatoes! Definitely would be something I'd like to go haha x
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Ashlyn said...

Sounds like an amazing event! Wish I could've attended.

GIG Love,
-Siew Hui,

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard culinary festival before. Sounds like a good event to join to, a fattening as well.

Maria ativoN said...

what a great event that you have attended.
i wish i could join :D

Beauty Blogette said...

Interesting festival. That place looks beautiful. I love the view.

Unknown said...

wow! such an amazing event you had! that tower view is mesmerising.

do drop by... GreenStory
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Sana said...

Culinary festivals are amazing.. I recently attended one and I thoroughly enjoyed it ^_^

♥Sarah♥ said...

That's so cool to be able to attend this event! =) The food looks amazing! =)

Unknown said...

wow I wish we had such festivals in my country. Being a south Asian I am a total desi foodie and always look forward to food festivals.
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Leeshastarr said...

Looks like such a great even. I'm such a foodie at heart

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