For giving this
Liebster Award to me..
This is what everyone whom received the award should do:
1. Thank the person who has nominated you and post a link to their blog
2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself given by the blogger who has nominated you 4. Provide 10 random facts about yourself 5. Nominate 8-10 blogs with less that 300 followers that you feel they deserve the Liebster Award 6. Create a new sets of Questions for your nominees to answer 7. Post the rules on your blog 8. Tag your nominees so they know that they are receiving the award from you !!
My answers to Elana's Questions:
1. Who and what inspired you to start blogging?
My mummy always love to write. It's her passion to inspired me to start blogging...
2. What and which event you have sweet memories and enjoyed the max?
Too many to mentioned. I enjoy each and every of the events I attended.
3. What and which event that you don't enjoyed and feels like its a waste of time?
Time is too precious and I actually choose the event I'm interested in only.. So, basically, I don't waste my time on event that I think its a waste of time.
4. You think you look best in which color?
5. Would you see yourself going vegetarian someday/in future?
No idea. Nobody can predict future, right?
6. What's the one thing you hate about my blog and how may I improved it?
Erm, I don't find anything that I hate in your blog, so no improvement is needed, just blog as usual is the best!
7. What's the one thing you like about my blog?
It's a great way to 'keep in touch' and 'knowing' each other life, after the fun-filled trip in Krabi with my mummy.
8. Which sport do you like?
9. What do you think of Facebook vs Instagram?
I prefer facebook still since most of my friends are on fb only and not Instagram still..
10. Are you a coffee drinker? If you are, which cafe you think serve the best coffee?
Nope. I don't like coffee.
11. Cats or dogs?
Maybe you think I'm a bit weird as I'm not into neither cats nor dogs.. :p
My answers to Elana's Questions:
1. Who and what inspired you to start blogging?
My mummy always love to write. It's her passion to inspired me to start blogging...
2. What and which event you have sweet memories and enjoyed the max?
Too many to mentioned. I enjoy each and every of the events I attended.
3. What and which event that you don't enjoyed and feels like its a waste of time?
Time is too precious and I actually choose the event I'm interested in only.. So, basically, I don't waste my time on event that I think its a waste of time.
4. You think you look best in which color?
5. Would you see yourself going vegetarian someday/in future?
No idea. Nobody can predict future, right?
6. What's the one thing you hate about my blog and how may I improved it?
Erm, I don't find anything that I hate in your blog, so no improvement is needed, just blog as usual is the best!
7. What's the one thing you like about my blog?
It's a great way to 'keep in touch' and 'knowing' each other life, after the fun-filled trip in Krabi with my mummy.
8. Which sport do you like?
9. What do you think of Facebook vs Instagram?
I prefer facebook still since most of my friends are on fb only and not Instagram still..
10. Are you a coffee drinker? If you are, which cafe you think serve the best coffee?
Nope. I don't like coffee.
11. Cats or dogs?
Maybe you think I'm a bit weird as I'm not into neither cats nor dogs.. :p
Random facts about me:
1. I love to eat.
2. I love to travel.
3. I love to play piano.
4. I love music.
5. I love to write.
6. I appreciate creativity.
7. I love to play.
8. I love to watch tv.
9. I like going to cinema.
10. I love art.
It's my turn to nominate now...
I'd like to pass this award to:
1. Mery
2. Miera
3. Jane
4. Ayu
5. Nannie
6. Lee Anne
7. Kathy
8. Joanne
My Questions:
1. When you start blogging?
2. Why do you blog?
3. What is your main criteria on choosing an event to go to?
4. Do you cook? If yes, what food you love to cook most?
5. Which movie/drama you love most?
6. What song you love best?
7. What is your favourite food?
8. What colour you love most?
9. Where is the most beautiful place you'd travel to?
10. Where is your next travel destination?
11. Which sport do you like?
Happy answering!
1 comment:
I have been tagged for the fourth time.... so I will not do it again... but I will however answer the questions... heheheh
My Questions:
1. When you start blogging?
Back in 2010 or 2009 I think
2. Why do you blog?
It was to express myself and share my ideas, thoughts, feelings etc with friends and others...
3. What is your main criteria on choosing an event to go to?
Must be something I relate to....
4. Do you cook? If yes, what food you love to cook most?
I do when the mood strikes.... I like cooking pasta.. much to my husband's annoyance and my youngest daughter delight... hahaha
5. Which movie/drama you love most?
I love fantasies or historical costume dramas
6. What song you love best?
At the moment it is "All of Me"
7. What is your favourite food?
Pasta... LOL
8. What colour you love most?
Blue/ Turquoise
9. Where is the most beautiful place you'd travel to?
Hmmm... probably Paris
10. Where is your next travel destination?
I don't know... but Beijing is on my list... huhuhuh
11. Which sport do you like?
Not really a sporty person... that's why I am so fat... LOL
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