I only want to
become a pilot.....
And have no interest at all,
To try out other occupation......
Until I saw what the fire fighters did!~~~~~
I decided to queue up to become a fireman!~~~
Too cool to resist!!!

Fire station @

A talk for fire fighters!~
Very educational one....

What to do,
In case of fire.....

We're informed that,
There's a hotel on fire......

The traffic policemen arrived first,
To guide all the people around the scene....

Fire fighters on fire engine,
Preparing to save the day!~

Putting off the fire.....
A job well done!
There's no guarantee,
Every firemen got the chance to put off the fire,
When we're lining up in the queue......
As it depends on whether there's 'emergency case' or not,
While the firemen are at work.......
Not every fire fighters got the chance,
To put off the fire~~~~~~
While fireman me is busy with my task,
My mei mei's in
Urbano's house,
Busy preparing meal for me....
So good to have a sister like this.....
I really need a great meal and rest,
After busy working day!~