It's our kindy's 6th Preschool Graduation Ceremony,
And Year End Concert.....

I'm performing in one of the concert program...
And also Finale.....

The graduating kids......

The little cutie performing.....

I'm having diarrhea and vomiting,
The midnight before my annual year end concert.....
Mummy asked if I need to rest at home or not.....
My answer: But I need to dance......
When they see my performance,
They know why I have such responsibility:
I'm the leader for the dance!~
Hope everyone who attended is enjoying our performance!~
wow...being the Leader must be hard. Bet you'll be the Leader of the country when you grow up
The dance leader is very responsible indeed! I'm sure daddy and mummy enjoyed his performance very much :)
Concert performance is a very historical moment. Every parent's proudest moment. Well done little prince for overcoming ur sickness and ur determination to get on with the show.
Thank goodness they have the CD as to keep the historical moment of the kids performing.
He's a vy responsible boy.
Smallkucing, little leader only..
Chloe, yup, sure enjoyed.
Merryn, lucky he no more continue to vomit when he reach school..
Yee Ling, yup, the DVD just ready, but need to purchase..
slavemom, :)
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