My birthday present from mummy.....
I know she didn't buy from Toy R Us,
But she's using the gift paper to wrap it up......

As I requested:
Lego sets for 4 years old......
I've been waiting,
To play 4-year-old lego set for so long!~

Doesn't expect it to be such small pieces,
But I still having lots of fun,
Building and constructing......

And playing with it,
After complete building!~
Later during that weekend,
We're off to PD,
For my birthday trip!~
Nice pressies ! Happy Birthday To Little Prince!
Lego always makes a great gift for a boy! Happy birthday Little Prince! Enjoy your family trip to PD!
very good pressie
Happy birthday Little Prince!
I bought a similar set for Hao Re when he was about 2.5 years old, and that's because it's on offer, haha, cheapo me. He couldn't really appreciate it until recently. He is building lots of different vehicle out of this small Lego. It's great fun!
Lego is the perfect gift for kids. Chloe got a big Lego set on her 4th birthday too ;)
Mummy Gwen, Olive, thanks!~
Smallkucing, yup, after all, this is what he requested for...
The Kam Family, Would be quite small part for 2.5 years old then.. It's good that he know show to appreciate it now.. :)
Chloe, ours only small set.. haha!
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