Thanks for the invitation,
nuffnang &
Mummy was in
Ciao Ristorante yesterday,
For the launching of Neutrogena Ageless range of products:
Mummy probably need to spend a little time,
On her own skin care,
Other than looking after me and mei mei.......

The cosy comfy event area......

Mummy really love the smell!~~~~~
So nice and refreshing.......

Introducing breakthrough layer-by-layer technology,
For firmer, youthful-looking skin.....

The details explanation on the product,
Comparison on young and aged skin.....
Experts at Neutrogena actually spent 10 years,
Researching thousand of natural ingredients,
To find effective anti-aging extracts,
And have successfully filed 3 patents on these combinations:
1. Dill: Activates the skin, regain elasticity...
2. Blackberry: Anti-Oxidant, activate collagen...
3. Southernwood: Locks water, strengthen barrier function.....

To test skin's aging and elasticity.....

Mummy's graph...
Luckily the result shown:
Her skin's not that 'old'............
For more information on,
What happens when our skin ages,
Do click to
the link here...