Mummy submitted her proudest moment,
Sometimes ago..........
This is her proudest moment of being my mum:
My little prince has very clear ambition as early as three years old. He knows exactly what he want to be when he grows up. He insists he wants to be a pilot even I give him other options. I feel so touched and proud, when he tells me the reason he wants to become a pilot: he wanted to bring me and everyone he love, on board on his plane to travel around the world. My proudest moment is seeing him growing up healthily with positive value of life.
Her proudest moment make her prouder,
As we're one of the consolation prize's winners.....
I'm going to get free 6 months supply of milk!~
Thanks to Dutch Lady!
Consolation prize?? Hmmm....should have given you 1st prize lah.
Wow! Congrats congrats!
Congrats on the winning! I didn't even know that Dutch Lady had such a contest.
Congratz! Kudos to mummy! I never have interest on joining contest. :)
U won again! Congratulations! haha ... so happy for you!
Smallkucing, there's a lot of great entries ma~~~~~
Thanks all!~~
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