I'm twisting and turning,
This IQ toy of mine......
Me: Mummy, guess what am I making?
Mummy: Rectangle?
Me: No..
Mummy: Birds?
Me: Nah..
Mummy: Giraffe?
Me: Nope..
Mummy: Elephant Nose?
Me: No..
Mummy: Cross?
Me: Noooo..
Mummy: Spider?
Me: No..
Mummy: Pig?
Me: Nooooooooooo..
Mummy: Then, what are you making o?
Me: I don't know o...
Mummy: ..........
hahahahaha.........such a good answer!!!
hahahaha..that's funny...
Lovely blog. I enjoyed the conversation. Please do visit my blog and leave your footprints behind by posting comments:-
very creative!
Hahaha...he is very cute! :)
Very cute :) thanks for dropping by my blog.
mNhL, leaving me speechless..
Baby Darren, yah lo..
Mr. Lonely, thanks for dropping by...
Nilofer, :)
beelee, haha~ creative in talking..
Kids Dream Work, cheeky!~
Madaline, thanks for dropping by, too!~
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