Mummy's on kindy-hunt,
Looking for ideal kindy for me,
To enrol next year.....
She discovered very nice reading program,
From Q-dees......
Buying these books,
To start with the repetition reading program......
I quite enjoy reading........
Especially when I'll always get rewards,
After each reading session!~
I also want rewards ah
Qdees have their own books which is similar to these too. So decided on Qdees?
What rewards??.....Good job!!
LOL... everyone loves rewards.
smallkucing, little stickers only wor.. haha~~
chinnee, nope.. I personally think Q-dees too much books which is more academic-based, looking for exam-free, homework-free, pressure-free, fully fun playschool at the moment.. :)
Mery, toy story motivation stickers..
cleffairy, oh yes!..
Good that Little Prince loves reading! Some more can get rewards!
cheeyee, good enough..
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