Me: Mummy, why you not yet married?
Mummy: No la.. I already married....
Me: But....
Mummy: But what?
Me: Why you never invite me to your wedding???
Mummy: Because you're not born yet...
Me: Why I not yet born?
Mummy: Because you born 2 years after my wedding...
Me: Why I don't born earlier?
Mummy: .................................................
Please help my mummy,
To answer my nonstop W-H-Y questions!!!~~~
Hahahaha, good question! Little Prince will understand why he didn't attend in a few years time...hahah! Really cute man!
hahaha.. same case with auntie's son. when i told them they are not born yet, the elder one said, they are still in my tummy :p
but the 2nd son started to get upset for not having him in the wedding :p
My ethan asked us why he is not in our wedding portrait. My hubs answered that he was sleeping when the picture was taken. He then asked, "Why you tak wake me up???" I rolled eyes at both my husband and Ethan.. One for telling a lie.. another for endless questions..
kids.. sigh.. how? i need help too.. :D
hahahahaha....... why not just tell him that "normally" baby is born after the marriage?
Hahahaha so cute! As what Broccoli mommy suggested, I think can just tell him that, according to mommy's planning is wedding first, then only have bb. :)
Ooh... asking why questions is good ma. C langsung didn't ask about our wedding.. I think she doesn't even know what a wedding is.
Oh dear....this is just like how I try to answer my elder boy's question where he comes from, where I come from and where my mum comes from and that goes on and on until all our ancestors, hahaha....
just tell the truth..maybe he won't understand :)
kids nowadays asked a lot of qstns that we simply do not know how to tell them in the most simple way hahaha...
well just tell him the truth and i'm sure he will understand when he's bigger :)
Wow... so fast u've started asking the "why" questions edi. I'm sure u make ur mummy speechless vy often. :)
Hahaha...I can't answer that question too.
smallkucing, funny yah?
Olive, quite tough to explain to him now...
hannie, you're facing the same situation....
Merryn, when I figured out how, I'll let you know.. hahahahaha~~
Broccoli Ginger, he'll ask why normally it's like that... nonstop W-H-Y..
cheeyee, will keep on explaining until one day he can understand..
Chloe, just the matter of time.. ha!
KidsDreamWork, my son asked that before, too! I told him little story which he can understand to explain...
wenn, yup... when I told my friend, he said, so, do you feels 'guilty' for not inviting your son to your wedding? hahahaha~
June, I'm sure they'll understand it one day..
Slavemom, he've been asking for quite sometimes...
Mummy Gwen, did Gwen ask you? haha~
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