What's my bean bean game...
Actually mummy said it's sensory tube,
I found it's easier to name it as 'bean bean game'...
Red beans, Green beans, White beans...
Assorted beans...
What to do with it?
I need to sort out the beans...
The same colour goes into the same little container...
Mummy said it helps my fingers coordination,
Trains my patience,
As well as teaches me to differentiate the colours well...
Whatever la..
As long as I think it's fun,
What's more important than that?!
Ok, done!!!~
Later on I discovered,
The bean fits perfectly well,
Into my ABC which given by my ah ma...
What to do with the bean after that?
Keep it and play next time!~
Careful ya Little Prince. Dont let the beans goes up your nose or inside your ears
Kids love this huh. I should introduce this to Gwen. :)
interesting..btw, can i hv email yr address? Thx!
pls check yr email.Thx!
Great for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Fun too!
smallkucing, it's totally fine, because I stay together and play with him throughout the game..
Mummy Gwen, my son loves it.. Maybe it's new to him..
wenn, cre8tone@yahoo.com, ok.. will check..
BoeyJoey, oh yes!~ And I'm surprise he got the patience to sit down quietly and finish sorting out ALL the beans! Not bad for the first time.. :)
This is a Montessori activity. C plays this in school too, I think. Saw many bottles and trays of different coloured beans in her school.
Chloe, oh, is it? I'm not really sure... probably is.. I saw mummy suggest this activity for kids in a forum, that's why I let him try on...
I heard this game can train a child's concentration too! I've been wanted to try it on my son! :)
Apart from his motor skill n coordination, can train him to focus too. Well done, lil prince for completing the task!
My son's child care use the bean to train him using spoon. He has to move the bean from one cup to another cup using the spoon.
wow...good idea. But he is really patience to sort out all the beans.
KidsDreamWork, go ahead.. it's nice.
cheeyee, thanks for the spoon idea.. I'm going to let him play for the next time..
mNhL, I didn't expect him to sort out ALL... but he really did.. Got more patience than I imagine...
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