I always called,
My wai po as po...
My wai gong as gong...
Mummy think it's time,
To train me to called Wai gong and wai por...
Me: Po...
Mummy: Call wai po...
Me: Wai po..
Mummy: Wai gong...
Me: Wai gong...
Sounds obedient,
And following mummy's instruction right?
Guess what I did, later on......
Me: Wai daddy, wai mama, wai gugu...
I added wai to everyone I called!~
Monday, November 30, 2009
Choc Biscuit
This chocolate biscuit,
Is one of my favourite food recently......
I always request for choc biscuit from mummy...
And normally,
Mummy will give me one piece......
After a while,
Me: Mama, hold for Sean...
Mummy: Why? You cannot hold it yourself?
Me: Sean Sean hand dirty, how?
Mummy: (As if mummy's hand won't dirty,
After holding the chocolate biscuit)
Well, ok.....
After mummy help me to hold the biscuit,
While I take a bite on it......
I'll start licking my fingers!~
Finger's licking good's biscuits!
Since the biscuit is so yummy,
You'll be thinking,
I might want to finish it all by myself......
The truth is,
I love sharing nice things,
With everyone!~
Everytime I get my favourite biscuit from mummy,
I'll give it to everyone in the house,
One for daddy,
One for mummy,
One for wai gong,
One for wai por,
One for gu gu...
etc etc.......
Then only I'll start eating my own biscuit...
I realize one simple truth:
Nice thing will get nicer...
Yummy food will be taste more delicious...
When we share it with everyone!~
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Big Bone Porridge
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My Yummy Meal
Mummy prepare ABC pasta for me again...
Of course not with the yucky ready-made-sauce......
This time,
She add in carrot, broccoli, corn, hotdog, cheese.....
Very nice colour combination...
She prepared another bowl of vege-soup for me, too!
As I'm always a soup-lover...
Simply delicious!~
Monday, November 23, 2009
From mothers to mothers
Don't know mummy's article was published,
In Parenthood October issue,
Under from mothers to mothers section...
Until received the notification letter,
In early November......
Daddy went Today Publishing's office,
To collect for the prizes...
For both articles published,
In October and November issue...
(p/s: You can view sneak preview of mummy's article,
In November's parenthood here.... )
And bought backdated October's Magazine, too!~
Here's the prizes received.......
Seems like I'm not using anyone of those......
Well, never mind.......
Can keep for our little darling baby.............
Who'll be coming out to see this beautiful world...

Here's mummy's article in October's Parenthood:
Kids throwing temper tantrums - How you deal with it?
In Parenthood October issue,
Under from mothers to mothers section...
Until received the notification letter,
In early November......
Daddy went Today Publishing's office,
To collect for the prizes...
For both articles published,
In October and November issue...
(p/s: You can view sneak preview of mummy's article,
In November's parenthood here.... )
And bought backdated October's Magazine, too!~
Here's the prizes received.......
Seems like I'm not using anyone of those......
Well, never mind.......
Can keep for our little darling baby.............
Who'll be coming out to see this beautiful world...
Here's mummy's article in October's Parenthood:
Kids throwing temper tantrums - How you deal with it?
Mummy's Art Teacher
Mummy learn how to draw,
My 'correct' tiger...
After I told her,
The tiger she drew was wrong!
Since mummy show positive improvement,
On her drawing......
I request her to draw me a dragon.....
After mummy finish the dragon's head...
Mummy: Is this a dragon?
Me: No.......
Mummy: Then, how to draw a dragon?
Me: Like this... (I started to draw my 'dragon')
Mummy: This is a dragon???????
Me: Yes!
Mummy: Are you sure?
Me: Mama, add body like this...
Mummy: Oh... (After mummy draw dragon's body)
Me: Yeah! Mama draw a dragon!~ Clever mama...
Mummy: .......
Mummy draw little ducklings on the white board...
I scribble the black marker on the ducklings mummy drew...
After that.......
Me: What happen to duckie?
Mummy: Aiyo......
Me: So Ugly!~ Rub and draw again....
I do sounds like I'm mummy's art teacher,
My 'correct' tiger...
After I told her,
The tiger she drew was wrong!
Since mummy show positive improvement,
On her drawing......
I request her to draw me a dragon.....
After mummy finish the dragon's head...
Mummy: Is this a dragon?
Me: No.......
Mummy: Then, how to draw a dragon?
Me: Like this... (I started to draw my 'dragon')
Mummy: This is a dragon???????
Me: Yes!
Mummy: Are you sure?
Me: Mama, add body like this...
Mummy: Oh... (After mummy draw dragon's body)
Me: Yeah! Mama draw a dragon!~ Clever mama...
Mummy: .......
Mummy draw little ducklings on the white board...
I scribble the black marker on the ducklings mummy drew...
After that.......
Me: What happen to duckie?
Mummy: Aiyo......
Me: So Ugly!~ Rub and draw again....
I do sounds like I'm mummy's art teacher,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Musical Storytime Piano
Since singing is my favourite hobby nowadays...
Daddy bought me a new tool,
To improve my singing skills......
A musical storytime piano!~
I can sing with my microphone,
I can dance with the default music inside...
I can also play 'piano' with it..
I can listen to short story in the tool, too!~
What a multi-functional new toy I have!
Super duper happy while playing around with it!~
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bird Nest Porridge
It's been sometimes,
Mummy didn't add in any new ingredients,
For my daily porridge.......
I suppose mummy run out of idea,
What new ingredients,
To add in for my porridges...
During mummy's both pregnancy,
Mummy ate a lot of bird nest......
She suddenly think of,
Why don't just add in some bird nest,
Into my porridge......
Since I refuse to drink,
Everytime mummy offers me bird nest......
Bird nest porridge.....
I like it!~
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
During my art time...
I love to draw,
On the white board...
I love to 'instruct'
Mummy to draw for me, too!~
Me: Mama, draw elephant...
Mummy: Ok....... Elephant with long long nose...
Me: Mama, draw lion...
Mummy: Let's draw a circle, lion's eyes, lion's nose....
Me: Mama, draw tiger...
Mummy: Hmm.. I'm not sure how to draw a tiger...
Me: Mama, draw tiger, draw tiger...
Mummy: Ok.. I'll try my best!
After mummy finish drawing her 'tiger'.....
Me: Wrong! Mama, draw again!~
Mummy: See, I told you I don't know how to draw...
Me: Mama, draw tiger again!
Mummy: ........
I'll need to give mummy some times,
To figured out,
How to draw a correct tiger!~
I love to draw,
On the white board...
I love to 'instruct'
Mummy to draw for me, too!~
Me: Mama, draw elephant...
Mummy: Ok....... Elephant with long long nose...
Me: Mama, draw lion...
Mummy: Let's draw a circle, lion's eyes, lion's nose....
Me: Mama, draw tiger...
Mummy: Hmm.. I'm not sure how to draw a tiger...
Me: Mama, draw tiger, draw tiger...
Mummy: Ok.. I'll try my best!
After mummy finish drawing her 'tiger'.....
Me: Wrong! Mama, draw again!~
Mummy: See, I told you I don't know how to draw...
Me: Mama, draw tiger again!
Mummy: ........
I'll need to give mummy some times,
To figured out,
How to draw a correct tiger!~
Friday, November 13, 2009
I actually inspired mummy,
To think of activities for,
Acting for nursery rhymes...
Other than reading aloud,
And singing.....
The world of nursery rhymes,
Could be fun with acting, too!~
With the leftover candles we bought,
During lantern festivals,
We connect and act with another nursery rhymes:
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick...
Mummy put and arrange the candle,
I special request mummy,
To arrange the candle into 'flower' shape....
And put it on the floor.....
Me: Mama, make flower!~ (giving mummy the candles)
I jump and hop over the candlestick,
While singing the nursery rhymes......
It's really fun!~
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Everyday when mummy reach home from work,
I'll welcome her back,
With my sweet warm 'I-Love-You' hug...
I'll start reporting,
What I have done for the day!~
Me: Mama, Sean Sean bring balloon pom pom...
Me: Then, balloon burst!
Mummy: Oh Ow! No more balloon...
Me: Yeah!~
Me: Mama, Sean Sean clever...
Mummy: How clever?
Me: Sean Sean finish eat rice rice!
Mummy: My clever boy!~
I enjoy every single moment spent with mummy,
By 'reporting' my daily life......
I'm pretty sure,
Mummy feels the same, too!
Enjoying as much as I do!
I'll welcome her back,
With my sweet warm 'I-Love-You' hug...
I'll start reporting,
What I have done for the day!~
Me: Mama, Sean Sean bring balloon pom pom...
Me: Then, balloon burst!
Mummy: Oh Ow! No more balloon...
Me: Yeah!~
Me: Mama, Sean Sean clever...
Mummy: How clever?
Me: Sean Sean finish eat rice rice!
Mummy: My clever boy!~
I enjoy every single moment spent with mummy,
By 'reporting' my daily life......
I'm pretty sure,
Mummy feels the same, too!
Enjoying as much as I do!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
IQ Match
Wai po bought this IQ animal match for me...
After so many puzzle solving sessions,
I actually think this IQ match is a piece of cake,
I can find the correct place for the correct animal,
In no time!~
I'm able to learn new animals' names...
Via this new IQ animals match!~
And most importantly,
I'm having a great time,
Taking out the animals,
And matching it back to the correct space!~
Simply enjoyable!~
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Best Singer
Two weeks ago,
I suddenly just surprise mummy,
By singing the whole song,
From beginning until the end....
Twinkle twinkle little stars!~
I no longer need to fill in the blanks,
Besides twinkle twinkle,
I'm able to sing a few songs,
Like Humpty Dumpty, ABC song...
One song I love to sing to mummy,
Is definately Mama Hao!~
Mummy always loves to hear,
Whatever song I sing!~~~~~~
I'm always the best singer,
In mummy's heart!~
I suddenly just surprise mummy,
By singing the whole song,
From beginning until the end....
Twinkle twinkle little stars!~
I no longer need to fill in the blanks,
Besides twinkle twinkle,
I'm able to sing a few songs,
Like Humpty Dumpty, ABC song...
One song I love to sing to mummy,
Is definately Mama Hao!~
Mummy always loves to hear,
Whatever song I sing!~~~~~~
I'm always the best singer,
In mummy's heart!~
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Nowadays I love to ask mummy,
Lots and lots of questions...
Mama, what's that?
Mama, what's this?
Mama, what happen there?
Mama, why like this?
Mama, how?
And mummy needs to answer me,
Lots and lots of questions...
Even mummy cannot answer my question...
She'll always check out for me,
And tell me the answer later.......
Mummy said it's good to ask more,
As I can learn and know more........
Lots and lots of questions...
Mama, what's that?
Mama, what's this?
Mama, what happen there?
Mama, why like this?
Mama, how?
And mummy needs to answer me,
Lots and lots of questions...
Even mummy cannot answer my question...
She'll always check out for me,
And tell me the answer later.......
Mummy said it's good to ask more,
As I can learn and know more........
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Coloured Building!~
Do you still remember my old toys:
ABC Mega Block?
Well well well...
I found a new creative way of,
Playing with it!~
This time,
Instead of learning ABC,
I try to recognize the colours!~
I put all the same colour together,
To form a building!~
And what I did with the bigger pieces?
I use them to make a 'gun'!~
To shoot the big builing!~
When mummy said: Yellow!
I'll spot for my yellow building,
And 'destroy' it with my gun!~
Such a fun new game,
With my old toys!~
Vegetables Mould
For giving mummy this superb idea,
To use varieties of vegetables,
As moulds for my creative art time!~
These are the vegetables mummy used......
We no longer add water to our colour,
Just simply use the paint brush,
To colour the vegetables moulds,
And start chopping around,
With my new fun moulds!~
The flowers in my little art garden....
I come out with another creative art...
This is fully my creation,
Without any help from mummy...
Do you think it's beautiful?
After watching Barney's photosynthesis series,
I understand that flowers in the garden,
Need sun to grow well......
Look what I draw in the middle my drawing:
Mr Sun, Sun... Mr. Golden Sun!~
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Under The Sea
I draw seaweed all by myself,
Then I personally request,
Mummy to assist me,
To finish up my drawing,
With the theme:
Under The Sea.....
With mummy's guidance,
I'm able to draw octopus,
Fishy family as well as starfish!~
While I'm painting,
I sing Barney's 'Under the Sea' songs, too!
My final piece of artwork!~
Then I personally request,
Mummy to assist me,
To finish up my drawing,
With the theme:
Under The Sea.....
With mummy's guidance,
I'm able to draw octopus,
Fishy family as well as starfish!~
While I'm painting,
I sing Barney's 'Under the Sea' songs, too!
My final piece of artwork!~
Monster Inc
Daddy bought Monster Inc DVD for me,
Later on,
He bought ladybird book,
With the same story,
From warehouse sales...
I like this story very much!
I super love the cutie baby girl in the story!
One night,
Before sleep,
Daddy read this book for me,
Scenario 1:
Daddy: Monster coming out from the door!
Me: No scared!
Daddy: You so brave?
Me: Learn Kung Fu, fight fight fight with monster!
Daddy: .........
Scenario 2:
Daddy: Monster coming out from the door!
Me: Daddy, close your eyes, faster!
Daddy: Why?
Me: No more monster!
Daddy: ............
Sunday, November 1, 2009
TV - Teaching Tools?
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