Can't go there EVERYDAY......
You know,
Sometimes raining,
Sometimes when daddy or mummy is home,
It's already late.......
I found out a way,
To play in 'playground' everyday....
Anywhere could be playground,
As long as I use my imagination!
Mummy's wondering where and how I get the idea...
But as simple as turning my little chair,
I could 'climb' and 'slide' down all the way!
My little little slide at home.....
Mummy don't always allow me to play this slide,
She's quite worry the chair might broke while I slide down...
Not to worry mummy,
I won't hurt myself,
Safety always come first!
Introducing my see-saw!
I always play see-saw with my soft toys...
Sometimes I play with barney,
Sometimes I play with bear bear...
Big bolster = see-saw...
You know what small bolster is?
I'll take my small bolster,
And pretend as a 'gun' to shoot barney...
When I don't have a 'playmates' around,
I'll just sit on the big bolster,
And imagining that I'm riding on a horse!
Can you see my barney open his mouth big big?
I always put my little fingers inside the mouth,
And shouted: Mama, help! barney bite! pain!
And pretends that I'm in real pain...
Mummy will always come to the rescue!
Everywhere and anything can be real fun,
When we use our imagination,
Like Barney always said in his show!~
You are lucky, Little Prince Mummy. Sometimes this Mamarazzi had to be the horsey. Adoi...backache....
hahhahahahha, i like the soft toys on the bolster as sitting on see-saw!!So creative and so cute!
smallkucing, he used to ride on my tummy before I preggy, now he found 'new horsey'! haha~~
Annie Q, his very own idea... The first time he told me inside the room:Mama, play see-saw, I still ask him, where got see-saw here.. ha!
Sean.. you are so creative.. and good you created your own playground.. nowadays, not easy to go outdoor ya.. enjoy yourself..
little prince's mummy, U know what? My Sean is exactly like yours.. hahaha.. i can't imagine the invention games are just like my Sean. All the one mentioned, are his fav too.But his chair slide is bigger, so he used to slide together with the toy car. :p
Cynthia, yah, now he can enjoy his playground indoor, at home.. muahahaha~~
Broccoli & ginger's mummy, haha~ so you son have this little 'playground' at your home, too! haha
hahaha... good imagination Sean have!! Aiyoh, the chair can become slide? dangerous lah.. boy! My girl also like to pretend playing see saw by sitting on my bolster T_T
very creative! at least wont bug u to go actual playground all the time!
Oh boy..what a creative action!! :-)
What a clever and creative idea to create his own playground when he can't go to a real one :-)
Hahaha.... my Lynn also like to play see-saw on my bolster. She will sing "See-saw, up and down. See-saw, up and down..." and rock on my bolster. :)
Serene, ya lor, I also very scared every time he plays his 'slide'.. hmm..
wen, sometimes will still bug... Anyhow, since he have his own 'playground' at home, bug me lesser.. ha!
The little prince, haha~ After I post this out, I noticed many kiddos also have their own 'playground' at home.. :)
Chloe, now he can play in playground, everyday, anytime he wants.. haha~
cheeyee, little Lynn will sing somemore~ How cute!~
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