Looks like my first molar's popping up soon!~
Without feeling gum itchiness,
Without wanting to bite anything...
Mummy just didn't realized,
My teeth teeth want to come out...
Until monday morning when she wash my hair,
And I open my mouth big big!~
She saw something white white coming out soon!~
I can chew more more food...
Eat more more crispy and cruncy food...
Yeah yeah!!!
A good sign...can eat KFC liao.
So fast 1st molar? Sean is a good boy never fuss anymore even though he's teething. :)
Mery, he already started eat KFC when he only got 2 teeth.. I wonder how he bite it.. hmm..
Mummy Gwen, normally he'll tends to bite, but this time no....
Wow 1st molar! Congratz! Hehehe soon he will have all teeth out. :P
oh yes! can eat whole lots of stuffs soon! not pain ke?
Cheeyee, soon I suppose, today I just notice another molar at the bottom looks like coming out soon, too!~
Merryn, he didn't complain pain or itchy this time...
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