Daddy bought me this colour marker!
Time for me to write and draw and colour!
I able to differentiate few colours,
And able to pronounce 'BLUE',
Very accurately!~
Mummy is so happy with my achievement...
It is non-toxic and washable...
It is not easy to wash...
Mummy think it is really messy,
As I tend to use this colour marker,
To write everywhere,
On the sofa,
On the wall,
On the table...
But not on my book!~
Mummy decided to temperary keep this colour marker...
Until I'm ready to use it properly....
Nice color pen! I'm Sean already can't wait to use it!
the walls on the house will be so colourful indeed! :)
ask mommy to give you a big mahjong paper and put you in the center. Then you will have more place to scribble.
Wondering what Lil Prince is going to draw first wth these color pencils... Happy Weekend!
haha... daddy bought the wrong type should buy the pencil type AND with a coloring book too.
Washable???!!!! that's so cool!
Oh well, you could let him use it now, but with EXTREME supervision! *laugh*
Oh anyway, its washable right? so does it matter where he draws?? *eye-brows raised*
i can imagine if sean started to draw all over the wall! hehe...
I like washable colour markers too. Easy to clean the mess..hehe.
By the way, there's a tag for you:
Daddy bought the wrong type. Should bought the pencil type AND a colouring book too.
Nicole would love all the colours...for her doodling
well done at being able to differentiate the colours at such tender age!
probably keep it till he is ard 2 or 3 years old. Yeah, they tend to colour and draw on any thing except books. hahaha!
Serene, nice indeed, lots of colours...
Merryn, full of his 'art work'! ha!
Baby Darren, Nice suggestion, I'll do that.. thankx!~
Dora, juz scribble around, Didn't draw particular things yet... Artistic work.. muhahahah...
梦想罐头, 对啊!~ 得再等一等。。。
Moo Mommy, hope daddy bought the correct type next time..
Angeline, It is washable, but need a lot of energy to really wash it out... I thinik your suggestion is not bad, under EXTREME supervision only, I let him use it.. ha!
sdovelly, everywhere is full of his creation and art work... ha!
Mummy Gwen, thanks for the tag.
Contendedmom, Nicole really can draw very well...
Rachel, Thankx for compliment!~
Rose, yah!~ except books!~ ha!
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