"The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people."
1. The age of my next birthday

2. A place I'd like to travel to

3. A favourite place

4. A favourite thing

5. A favourite food

6. A favourite colour

7. The city I live in

8. The city I was born in

9. A nickname I had

10. College Major

11. Name of first (and only) lover

12. A bad habit

13. A hobby

14. Current wish list (max. 3 items)

I'd like to pass the tag to:
Joanne T
Moo Mommy
what nickname you had? snow white? wah....
This is another interesting tag.
I will post it asap.
hmmmmnnn interesting, will try these one... thanks for including me...
i have an award for you!
June.. not snow white.. cd princess.. always need to go back home by 12, like cinderella.. haha~
Joanne, waiting for ur post then..
chubskulit, thankx for the award.. :)
what is the bad habit? i cant see the pic clearly..
this special tag is me 1st time to saw....very nice
Littlelamb, haha~ cannot c my bad habit ler.. hahahahahaha~~~
梦想罐头, i think it's special and interesting, too!~
HHhhmmm ... I cannot understand your age .... is it infinity?? (I know I know, age is woman's biggest secret, right?? Give me five!!!) :) :) And also your bad habit .... really so bad until cannot tell ah? :P
Caroline, i typed my age actually, dunno y lots of picture with stars come out.. I juz choose one of it.. I'm 28 actually.. hehe~
Call me dumb but im a little bit confused how to search the questions using the google image... can you please get back to me lol... thanks..
okay i searched and found it hahaha... thanks again..
please don't forget to grab the tag..
Hi, doing halfway...coming soon :)
thanks for the tag dear!
wanted to ask u the same thing abt ur age... hehehe so u are 28 also, sama sama!
cute nickname- cinderella :)
this is really fun tag~~ ;)
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