I'm extremely happy~~~
To know I'm the first prize winner,
For Sealer's Baby's Funniest Moment Contest!
I'm a little champion!~
This is the first time,
I'm a champion for a contest!~
This is super duper cool!
Special thankx to CCTI Marketing's Sealer & Jusco...
My prize's Jusco Vouchers!~
Yeah! Yeah!
Can go shopping again,
Buying stuff I want,
With my own vouchers...
Zoom in the photo which bring me lots of luck!~
My funny facial expression!~
that's cool.. missed J&J and now got sealer!!!
haha..i found that you like to join those contests..
Congrats! Wah..champion again. Well Done. :)
Agnes, yup~~ cool...
Huisia, Not much hectic ma.. just send in photo only~~~
Mummy Gwen, not again ler.. this is his first and only champion so far.. hehe~~~
Oh wow! I'm so excited for both of u! Champion man!!! Congrats! The jusco vouchers are cool, can get whatever he likes/wants/needs :)
Olive, thankx~ how's ur morning sickness now? getting better?~~~ So excited for u, too.. having 2nd ones :)
wow! I would be very proud of it too!
wow....you are indeed very hard working mummy..joining all types of competition n taking all the nice pix of Baby sean.
He does look cute in the photo looking up...
Contendedmom, I'm sure you're very proud of nicole, too.. for being so smart and intelligent!~
Littlelamb, Photos-taking are for sure, to hv lots of sweet sweet memories, to view when my boy grow up... :) thankx for compliment!~
Wow, a very cute and funny face indeed.
So does the little prince make this face on cue or was it one of those priceless moments?
You're the champion!!
Sean indeed has "Camera Face" la.. won so many contest.. Mummy must feel proud of him.
Moomykin, that's the one and only time he make this expression! ha!
Serene, proud of my little prince, always~
Wow, Sean wins again and 1st prize this time. Congrats! So are you getting a one year supply for Sealer's diaper?
May I know when was the photo taken, coz Sean looked like a baby in it..
Woww..shopping time! I wonder how much is the voucher? Kepoh2! hehe..
Congrats!! Well done little Prince, you made mummy so proud of you! You are indeed mummy's little champion.
And the vouchers...oohhh, so cool man! Happy shopping with it.
I've lost count how many prizes u've won. Congrats! ;)
Julie, nope.. We get jusco vouchers instead... btw, I wanna leave msg in ur site, but unable to do so, wonder why... I wanna tell u I think I saw Jonathan's photo in this month's parenthood, under milna baby first bite contest... Congratulations to u!~
Joanne, the photos taken around half year ago, if not mistaken...
Fussymom, Slavemom, MooMommy, thankx for the congrats! :)
This is indeed a very funny expression.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Congratulations to you! Wow, this is so cool! :)
Zara's mama, Ing, thankx~~~
Woah!!!! that's awesome! Congrats!
Congrats to bb Sean again ... his picture is indeed so funny la, hahahaha ..... he deserves the 1st price la :)
Baby Sean really cute!!
WoW congrats!!!! Hubb and I very lazy to enter competitions. We entered i think only 2 last time for Bryan, and when we din win...aiyo..no motivation liao (perasan parents...hehe)
Angeline, Caroline, The little prince, Thankx for the wishes!~
June, I email u d.. btw, I deleted your comment with ur email add ya~~~
Shooi, don't give up ma.. mayb bryan is the next winner ler..
WOW!!! YOu must make your mummy soooo proud!!!! :)
congrats :D
congratulations!!! this is definitely a good memory for sean when he grows up!
Chiwi, yup~~ proud of my little one.. :)
mommy to chumsy, tq..
2ma, great memory for him~
congrat!!! it's not easy to be the winner. ur bb looks cute... :)
Congrat to being No 1 !!
- Ling
mummy in vain, something about us, thank u so much!~
oh my god....out of so many thousand & yr little prince was d CHAMPION?? That was so so proud being the mom i can tell you...i would have cried man!!
Big congrats to you!!
cute & funny expression!!
Jacss, that's different contest... I dunno there's how much entries for this contest.. haha!
big CONGRATULATION !!!! CUTE photo and great gift !!
Thankx anggie
Congratulations. Your baby is so CUTE!!!!
Congrates... another prize for Sean :)
This is Sean first champion ohh... he deserve to win, and nice gift too !
wow funny Prince sean rules the Seler Kingdom. Bravo! Long live Prince Sean! congrates cute darling! BTW I 've blogroll you.
Joanne, Daddy blogger, thankx~~~
Renet, I added u in as well...
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