Grandma prepared red eggs & drumsticks for me~~~

Grandma asked mummy to put lots of things....
Food, books, magazines, calculator, little piano & pens~~~
I'm required to choose one of the above!~
I have very clear target what I wanna choose...
The moment I start crawling I straight away head for calculator!~
Does that means I'm gonna be mathematicians in future?
Who really will knows?
Mummy always sing Que Sera Sera,
Whatever will be will be,
The future's not ours to see...
After I'm boring playing around with calculator,
I head to pen!~
So, I will be a good writer next time? haha~~~
Since today is my chinese birthday,
Got to surprise them with what I'm capable to do...
No one ever teach me how to use pen before yet!~
But I know... after observe what they did with pen!~
I want to find a book, and write on it!~
Ermm... Why I can't write anything?
I looked at mummy with a puzzled face: Mummy, why ar?
Mummy's pretty amazed with I know what to do with the pen...
Anyhow, she told me that I hold the pen terbalik~~~
No wonder... Now I know why I can't write!~
They all said I only allowed to wear socks before I turn one...
So, this's my first time wearing shoes!~
My first kiki-lala shoes bought by Grandma...
Happy Birthday to BB Sean!!!! 快高长大 and alwasy be a happy baby :)
Happy Birthday.
Perhaps, be a financial controller? Counting $$$ and book keeping... :D
mommyangel, thankx for ur wishes!~
doreen, TQ... count money for mummy, then mummy no need to do anything next time.. hahahah~~~ (what a lazy mum)
happy birthday little prince!
He will be an accountant and a book keeper...*wink*
Wow! you never need to worry about him over-spending when he grows up now...*laugh*
Angeline, mayb he have to worry mummy over-spending? hahahaha~~~
how come got 2 drumstick and 2 eggs one?????? not 1 drumstrick, 1 egg meh?????
Calculator can also means he will be RICH!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY SEAN! Haha..very cute boy, headed straight for the calculator maybe become a businessman later.:P coz already good with numbers..hehe..
Oh.. Happy Birhtday to Sean!! Xixi also choose calculator that time.
so it's his chinese bday today? happy birthday yeah...the kiki lala's shoes given by granny very nice-lah...
littlelamb, dunno wor.. my mum prepare 1.. gonna b rich? then I'll b rich mummy in future.. hahahahah~~
mummygwen, ya lo... he really no need to think at all, staight away take calculator d..
Serene, as littlelamb said, we'll b rich mummy nx time.. hahahaha
June, the shoes oso very comfortable~~~ :)
Happy Birthday
Haha, last time my Jo opted the book. :-)
Huisia, thanks for the wish~
At first I thought my boy will choose book also... since he loves reading... Maybe he wanna choose something new.. haha~
Happy Belated Birthday to Sean. So did he eat the drumstick and egg?
Picking a pen..ok also mah..then like mommy, good in writing blog :-)
I like to shoes too..
Joanne, he dare not touch the drumstick at first... he feels very sticky~~~ We let him eat very very little bit only... Since he's sensitive to egg b4 that..
Calculator = Accountant? Let me try on Jonathan when he turns 1 next month.
My mom also don't allow me to put on shoe for Jonathan until he is 1. But I let him wear those shoe with cloth padding like what BB Sean is wearing. Can't wait for him to turn 1 and walk so that I can get more cute shoes for him. :P
Julie, let me know what Jonathan choose then..
Ya lo.. my mum said the same.. dunno y but i juz follow la... now he can start wearing shoes d.. heheheh~~~
I forgot which one my daughter choose, whether pen, calculator, or book. Bad mommy!
Jenny, That's y I snap photos and write out... Never ever will forgot.. hahahah~~~
hahhaha...this is really funny!! i've heard about this trick before. since you chose the calculator, it means you have a business mind? make lots of moolah next time :D
mommy to chumsy, juz let him choose onli la... It's fun watching him doing the choosing trick.. :)
My mum did tell the same thing to me when Adriel turns 1. But I ignore.didn't follow wat she said. If I put a book and a toys and it happened he wants the toys than I DIE lar... So to b in safe hand dun wan to know the truth!!! kekeke
lil monster, play safe :)
Calculator... good with financials hor? My boy chose the red eggs. So 'wai saik'. hahaha
Oo...he has been sensative with egg? What will happen if he eats it?
Slavemom, mayb he likes the striking red color.. heeheh
Joanne, last time he touch the egg, his skin red redish, then got 1 time my bro kiss him after eat egg, his face oso red red... Never let him eat b4.. they said b4 1 yr old cannot eat egg, hard to digest.. now tat he's 1 yr old d... i oso not yet let him eat...
His shoes sure looks comfy :) Accountant in the making...he he...
Olive, Ya ya... very comfortable.. but he keeps on take off his shoes.. mayb still tak biasa wear shoes yet...
Happy Birthday to Sean
Queenie, thankx for ur birthday wish :)
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