It's my Birthday month!!!
Mummy said she wanna make my birthday memorable and special...
She sent in my photos to Today Publishing~~~
This mummy ar...
Really loves to send in my photos one.. hmmm..

Guess what!~
We receive this letter, again...
2nd letter from Today Publishing for this month~~~
My photo's published in Mami Baby's Magazine!~
For Birthday Baby...

Will be receiving mysterious mystery gift!~
Wonder what it is...
Have to wait daddy to go and collect~~~~~
Lucikily daddy still haven't collect my fiffy's prize yet~~~
Can collect it together!~

16 comments: 'geng'. Really mini model in the making la...haha..
Happy Birthday Sean...
Wow .... congratulations for the 2nd time :) So much winning for BB Sean this month!! Hope he will receive his 'favourite' toys as mystery gift la. Happy Birthday Sean!! A big kiss from auntie Caroline and Angel :)
Thankx all :)
Caroline, I saw ur Angel's photo in the magazine as well.. hehehe~~
Happy Birthday Little HANDSOME Prince. You're so could the magazine not select you??? Hope you enjoy the gifts :)
Olive, Thankx a lot for the wonderful compliment for my son!~
Have to collect on your own for the gifts? Good for you guys living in KL ler. That's why we're reluctant to submit the photos for the contests in the mags as we're not living in KL.
Thankx.. Yup, hv to collect or pay for postage... Personally think not worth paying for the postage, that's y will go collect...
Doreen, where u staying?
Can come for KL trip if selected~~~ ;)
Wow.. another prize?? Sean already become a super model in magazine already la!
Congrate, this mummy very active la!!! happy for u
Serene, I oso surprise they publish 2 of his photos in 2 magazines this month~
Nicole, Thankx :)
Wah...another wining entry. Many congratulations to you and Little Prince. So what is the prize ar?
Oh, Happy Birthday, handsome Little Prince!
I'm sure you are proud of your baby. Happy Belated Birthday to him! Btw,thanks for dropping by my blog.
fussy mum, not yet belated~~ his birthday on 15 :)
ohhh birthday boy's month is full of presents for him...
he is indeed one cute boy lah...
congrats for the 2nd time ehh...
Thankx June...
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