Thursday, August 7, 2008

~Time flies~

Few more days,
I'll be 11 months!~
Time really flies~~~

I start develop my own personality,
I know how to give 5,
I know how to wave bye bye,
I know where is the fan, the light...
I know where mummy frame up my photos and where she put their wedding photos...
I have lots of cute cute facial expression~~~~~
I can differentiate what taste nice and what is smelly~~~
I love to kiss my mummy...
I love to play with my daddy...
I super like new age music...
I can understand what everyone tells me...
I likes to eat fruits and porridge~~~
I can talk, fully in baby language and some wordings in english and mandarin...
I can climb, real fast!~
I can stand up still...
I like people watching~~~
I start dancing when I hear the music I likes...
I start learning to walk~~~~~~

Seems like I can do a lot of things d...
But yet,
When others tell me to perform it,
It really depends on my mood on that particular time...

That's me~~~
Trying to act cool..


Anonymous said...

Really glad to see our own child grow up day by day. It's treasure for us :)

Little Prince mummy i got a tag for you. Feel free to drop by my blog under title 'Tag' :)

MommyAngel said...

Our bb surely grow up so far ..... but I think mommy like the most is little prince always like to kiss kiss mommy ..... mommy happy oh :)

annatng said...

Agreed with u and I miss my baby when she was 1-3 months time :)
Thank you for your comment on my little girl blog. You are very talented on writing blog for your boy. Bring a lot of sweet memories to him...

Anonymous said...

This is the time when mommy really gets her workouts! *laugh*

in a few more months, mommy will need to be on her toes ALL THE TIME as her little Prince climbs even faster! *wink*

Anonymous said...

Not long to go and you'll be 1!!

K@yeR said...

Yes, time flies and Baby will outgrow those adorable little behaviours and actions sooner than you expect. So do capture lots of photos and videos of these never to be repeated occasions.

Leona said...

How come no photos of the little prince????
Only the one in the baby contest ...

cre8tone said...

Ping, will drop by ur blog soon...

mommyangel, ya lo.. so sweet to kiss mummy~~~

annatng, thankx for compliment!~ Hope when he grows up, he can read back every stage of his own development~~~ :)

angeline, start imagine now... ALL THE TIME... but it's great that mummy can get FREE workouts!~ haha

Sue, looking forward for first birthday!~

k@yer, sean loves to take photos~~ hehe...

Leona, didn't upload most of the photos.. hehehe~~

Meg said...

format pc, cannot on messenger, so leave u message here. ya lor, i no edit ma. haha.. so can still see ur finger there. between, i have the photo that u n sean bite apple, and another is sean n daddy bite apple, but cannot see ur face lar, can see ah max face a bit, can post kar? i think that is very lovely, like mummy sean sean love love each other.... sure many mui mui baby jealous liao, kakakakakak

cre8tone said...

meg, reply u in msgr d.. :)

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