After waiting for so long...
My first teeth pops out!~
Mummy's coleague been telling mummy,
That her daughter start to have first teeth since she's 4 month++,
Mummy thought all babies will start growing first teeth during 4 months time...
And Mummy wait and wait,
Since I'm 4 month++
Until now....
At first mummy worried also......
Why I still stay at 'boh geh' stage?
Later on,
Mummy heard from other people saying that,
Different babies will have different development time range...
Mummy just wait patiently for my first teeth...
And now,
Here I am...
With my very first teeth!~
I can start chewing more food!~
Please cook more and more delicious food for me, ya~
Fantastic...yeah, little prince can take more solid food now.
They said it's good to sprout tooth much later so that it won't get decayed early.
yeah, sean sean got first teeth d. auntie meg meg want to snap shot it d la. very fast :D
now mummy can fong sum. no need worried dy...
baby sean will hv more teeth soon..
wow.. big boy adi..
Yeah! Sean got his first tooth!
Mummy can let her eat more and more foods liao!
Julie, ya ya, will try to let him eat more variety of food.. :) hmm.. Oh, then he's great, to sprout tooth later.. :)
Meg, very hard to snap now la... I wanna c his tooth oso he hardly want to open up his mouth.
Littlelamb, ya lo.. can fong sum d..
Agnes, Big boy with 1 tooth..
Serene, will search around for more baby food recepi.. hahahaha~~
Little prince is exactly same as my Angel, got her first tooth late but hey, doesn't bb looks cute with no teeth? I do think they look cute :) So until now, my girl only have 8 teeth where others has a mouth full of teeth already :)
My boy likes to play around with his lips when he has no teeth.. haha~~ u're right, kind of cute.. hahahaha~
hi little prince's mom, i chanced upon your blog when i was blogging..and congrats on your new bundle of joy....my son is 15 months now...and i can see that you have lots joy with your little prince....cheers
Do drop by my blog,
Hi Contented Mom, Thankx for dropping by~~~
U're absolutely right, having little one is definately lighten up my life!~
Mummy n daddy must be vy excited with Little Prince's 1st tooth. I oso think teething later is better - so u get bitten at a later stage. hahaha
Congrats to Sean for having his first teeth.
I am sure you are very happy after the long wait.
Now no more boh geh lorrr... sure more nice things to eat :D
Soon you can start chewing on biscuits and fruits!
Slavemum & Sarah's mummy, of coz excited :)
Sue, He d start chewing now.. haha~~ and enjoy very much ;)
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