After getting advice from other mummies,
For the first time,
I thought it taste weird...
But when I try another spoon,
It actually taste ok~~~
And now,
I start to love the taste of smash potato + milk!~
Nice combination...

Now, mummy smash the potato using this food grinder...
From World of Cartoon...
One of the items inside the hamper I won!
Mummy love this food grinder~~~
Feeding me becomes so convinient!~

After little Sarah taste her porridge with chinese herbs,
Mummy try to for me, also!~
I love it!~
Special thankx for all mummies who share baby food's recipe!~
I can taste lots and lots of new yummy food......
I cooked the herbal porridge for my ger too. She just love it! Me too.. love it! hahaha
yummy yummy, Little Prince tried so many new food lately. He must be a happy baby eating mommy's nice cooking :)
I am also very interested in the food grinder you've mention, is it really good ah? How does the grinder works? Can grind meat and green vege or not?
Ya lo.. normally, sean's dad no c his porridge oso.. tat day when i cook the herbal porridge, he peep n c... y smell so nice 1.. hahahaha~~
the food grinder hor... very hard to describe... the bigger portion to put the food, then put some food in the smaller portion.. the smaller portion part, the bottom got rough surface, using the stylish-look-spoon, start grinding the food...
Sometimes when we cook, the food still not fine enough although in tiny pieces. With this food grinder, while feeding our little ones, can further grind and smash the food into finer pieces, easier for babies to swallow..
Highly recommend for babies who just try solid food!~
maybe you could try making creamy soup with milk.
recipe: use some milk + potato /cereal to make more creamy, chicken and some vegie and also's nice
- Yatie from
I used to make the mashed potato same way before.........
Hi Yatie, thanks for visiting my blog...wanna ask, all ingredients cook together or cook separately then mix it together?
Kylie - I never try to add milk into mashed potato. It must be nice!!
Good that Sean likes the Chinese Herbs porridge.
I like your feeding set, so nice and cute.
I tried add milk after bryan's mama and angie's mummy highly recommend:
Ya ya, i like it so much also.. not only nice and cute and stylish, but also very convinient to use ;)
May I know where you bought the feeding set?
Looks like a lot of milk wo, won't it be too watery?
Joanne, It's inside the hamper my son won for the 3rd prize baby cutie contest, but i saw it before all world of cartoon outlets!~
Sue, after I smash the potatoes, It become ngam ngam hou... the style my son like, watery a bit... his porridge oso he likes watery a bit 1..
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