Thursday, August 14, 2008


Definitely of course,
I never been to Italy!~
Mummy said it's faraway that she herself never been there, too!~
Daddy bring both of us to taste Italian food!~
Lucky enough,
Even though just can taste a glimpse of Italian spices...

Daddy purposely order plain plain food,
So that we can really taste the Italiano feels!~

Ok, let's start with Mushroom soup...
The look is OK only,
But it really taste yummy~~~~~~

And not to forget,
Garlic bread with our mushroom soup~~~
Personally I don't like raw garlic smell...
But after baked together with the bread,
It actually taste delicious!~

We order one pizza and one spaghetti!~
Share share eat so that we can taste all of the food!~
Without any meat or seafood,
To our surprise,
The spices really did spice up the food, still!~

Mummy said she'll cook spaghetti for me since I love it so much!~
I'm going to taste my mum-home-cooked-spaghetti soon!~


agnes said...

yummy yummy... slurp slurp...

Anonymous said...

I love Italian food too :D

My Lil' Monster said...

Pw shd make marcaroni cheese. Sean might like it :)

Serene said...

I love Italian Pizza la... The pictures really make me hungry!

cre8tone said...

I always like Italian food... so yummy!~

Will try make some marcaroni cheese for sean soon c if he likes it.. Thanks lil' monster mummy for recommendation :)

Anonymous said...

Yummy ! Yummy ! Delicious dishes !

I got a new 'Tag' for you. Feel free to drop by my blog and grab the 'Tag' :)

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Kylie, those food really makes me drooling. So yummy! I never tasted italian food also.

Anyway, I got a tag for you.
Thanks ya!

Administrator said... yummy....saliva drooling now.. :)

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

These food definitely look yummy!
I love sphaggeti the most!

Mummy Gwen said...

Looks appetizing. I like Italian food too. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)Have a nice day.

cre8tone said...

Ping & Joanne, I saw the tag d.. will do it soon :)

Contendedmom, it's indeed yummy~ hehe...

Mummy Gwen, u're welcome.. tq for visiting mine, too..

Health Freak Mommy said...

My kids love Italian food too! I think most kids love spaghetti.

cre8tone said...

Not only kids love... mummy oso loves.. hahahah~

Oliveoylz said...

The pizza looks gorgeous!!!

cre8tone said...

Look Gorgeous and taste delicious!~

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