Consuming Mamex Gold...
Going to change ot Mamil Gold soon~~~~~~
Of course,
I won't miss out the chance to explore Immunoland!~

I like taking photos wearing immunoranger's striking grey outfit!~
Mummy said I suppose to peep outside on the hole to show my face...
Well, I don't really like to peep,
Especially when I have to peep outside the hole...
Next we go to battle station.
Daddy said I don't know how to shoot the bad bad bacteria yet...
So he plays it on behalf of me...
Since daddy got quite high score for this battle,
Never mind I cannot play it,
As I can still enjoy my people-watching!~
Next stop have quite a long Queue and we have to wait for our turn...
I wonder what's so interesting inside...
Mummy said I can watch 4D show inside...
What's 4D show huh?
Ok la, I wait patiently for my turn then...
In the meantime,
I play with jie jie queueing right behind me!~
Now it's my turn...
I see television, bigger than the one we have at home...
Oh~ Cartoon time!~
I love watching it!~
Eh... why I see some bubbles coming from above?
Why I see red, white, yellow lights around?
This is super duper interesting!~
This is what they called 4D show...
Guess what,
This Immunoshuffle happens to be my favourite stop!~
After all the enjoyment,
We headed for the last stop.
The sales persons asked us to purchase more than RM100 to have special discount...
Mummy said since I haven't try Mamil yet,
Not sure if I'll like it or not...
So, we decided to buy just one first.

After stopping by, playing around and having fun in Immunoland,
I get all the chops from the staff.....
And now.......
I'm officially an Immunoranger!~
Wah .... where is little prince photos? Really wish to see him in action leh :) :)
Wish little prince have a smooth transition of the milk milk....
yea.. gotto admit that dumex mamil gold is a very good milk... do u know it comes with 2 packages? 1 with honey and 1 without.. chloe tried the honey one last time.. perhaps her cough doesnt really "related" to her milk.. but since we have changed hoh... nvm la.. just stick with pediasure but I do have a few unopen refill packs w. me still.. not sure where u stay or else can sell to u cheap cheap.. hahahhaa.. see if ur boy can take it or not 1st lah.. ;) no worries..
mommyangel, lil prince wanna stay mysterious.. hahahaha~~~
the little prince's mum... TQ for ur wish.. I really hope so, too..
Agnes, I thought with honey and without is dugro.. dunno mamil got 2 flavours oso.. I think i bought the original one... I dare not buy so many after read ur blog post... hehehe~~~ I let my boy try when he's 1 first c if he likes it or not... hmm...
hihi, havent seen you for a have you been?
some kids really love milk and they gulp it down like water..which is not a bad thing i girl, aged 4, simply loves her any one time, we have at least 2 month supply of milk at home...she finishes one 700g formula in 4 to 5 days!
Hi contendedmom, I'm fine here, TQ..
700g in 4-5 days? ur gal really loves milk... that's great!~
My son always hv to depends on his mood in whatever he does... even milk-drinking... Sometimes he can finish the whole bottle, sometimes he consume half and leftover some... no matter how I 'tam' him also he won't change his mind and finish off his milk...
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